Eye Help Animals, LLC ∫ Saving Wildlife Together - Saving the Western Grey Kangaroo
 Saving Wildlife Together - Saving the Western Grey Kangaroo

Western Grey Kangaroo

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Saving Wildlife Together - Eye Help Animals helps to save the Western Grey Kangaroo

Plant-eating kangaroos are found throughout forests and woodlands in Australia and Tasmania. The Western Grey also known as the black-faced kangaroo, however, is not found in the tropical north or the fertile south-east of Australia. A sociable species, the western grey kangaroo lives in groups called mobs which consists of a mature male, two or three females with joeys (young) and several other young males. Male kangaroos are powerfully built and will fight over females, using their strong hind legs to “box”. A keen sense of smell, sight, and hearing lets the grey kangaroo know when intruders are approaching. In hot weather the kangaroo stays under shade trees or digs a hole and sleeps in the cool soil. The female gives birth to a single joey 29-38 days after mating. The joey crawls out of the birth canal into the mother’s pouch and clamps its mouth onto her teat where he stays for about 300 days. The joey suckles for 18 months until it begins eating grass. When the joey comes out of the mother’s pouch it will quickly dive back to the safely of her pouch when it feels threatened. Many millions of grey kangaroos roam Australia and many are killed each year for their skins and meat. They are also killed for grazing on farmland where farmers have put up fencing to keep them out.

Western Grey Kangaroo - Fast Facts

Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Average lifespan in the wild: 7-18 years
Size: Adult Height, 4.3 ft (1.3 m)
Weight: 62 to 119 lbs (28 to 54 kg)
Group name: mob
Status: STABLE

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