Bottlenose Dolphin
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Dolphins are known to be highly intelligent and sociable animals that live in groups of other dolphins. Their friendly, cooperative behavior is vital to their survival. When a dolphin is sick or injured its cries will summon other dolphins. This can sometimes end in tragedy for a whole school of dolphins who may come to the aid of distress calls and end up stranded on shore. There have also been stories of dolphins aiding people who are in trouble in the water. One story relates how a group of dolphins came to the aid of people who were being hunted by sharks, known enemies of dolphins. One group of dolphins circled the people in the water while another group systematically chased away the threat of sharks, thus saving the lives of the people. Dolphins eat a variety of fish and crustaceans, particularly capelin, anchovy, salmon, and shrimp. They can reach speeds over 18 miles (30 kilometers) per hour, surfacing to breathe two or three times a minute.
Their language, echolocation, is a complex series of clicks and whistles, sometimes making up to 1,000 clicking noises per second. These sounds travel through the water and bounce off solid objects, making an echo which gives a detailed picture of its environment so it can quickly identify direction, size, and distance of prey. A mature dolphin, usually 8 years or older, will have one calf every two to three years and can live up to 50 years. Although bottlenose dolphins are in no danger of extinction, this is not true of other dolphin species. Also, each year thousands of dolphins drown in fishing nets from commercial fishing of other species like tuna.
Bottlenose Dolphin - Fast Facts
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average Life in Wild: 45 to 50 years
Size: 10-14 ft.
Weight: 1,100 lbs.
Did you know?: Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.
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